Welcome to Infinite Kreationz
The online digital
design studio

Infinite Kreationz Ltd (with over 20 years of digital design experience) was originally established in 1999 by members of acclaimed Graffiti Art crew ‘Too Damn Kreative (TDK)’ with the aim of providing the highest quality digital design solutions at affordable rates to social enterprises and start up businesses across the UK; to support their initial development and help them attract, engage and retain their chosen target audiences and clientele through unique and innovative Kreative visual communications.

At Infinite Kreationz we also utilise Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to kreate and further develop new ideas in different ways, such as producing unique combinations of familiar ideas, creating new designs based on the attributes of previous works we’ve kreated, and by generating new ideas based on combinations of attributes and ideas that us humans may not have thought of. With the utilisation of AR, AI, 3D Printing and other immersive design technologies, we really are Infinitely Kreative…
Infinite Skills,
Kreate Miracles...