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Art Versus

Web Design
A The ART Versus (originally Art vs Covid) is an online charity fundraising platform that has helped raise much needed funds for a number of front – line charities, which includes the NHS, NSPCC and the World Health Organisation to name a few. Some of the world’ s most acclaimed Graffiti and Street Artists’ that includes BLADE, CRASH, T – KID 170, BG 183 (Tats Cru), MODE 2 (The Chrome Angelz), HOMBRE (Stick Up Kids), SUM 1 (TDK) and AME 72 have taken part in the ‘ART Versus’ global campaign to support their chosen c harities with the submission and sale of original artwork with more Artists’ pieces continuously being added to the platform
Along with the rest of the world, Infinite Kreationz have been horrified by the ongoing War in Ukraine, the recent earth quake in Turkey and other unfortunate events and natural disasters around the world and we support those affected. To make a difference and support a front – line charity by purchasing an exclusive original piece of A rt, please visit: ART Versus… ( “Infinite Skills, Kreates Miracles”


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